Thursday, July 14, 2011

Keep on rollin', GUNNERS

And that sums up the GUNNERS Fever that hits the Malaysian shore since the ARSENAL FC team arrived for the ASIA TOUR, kicking off in Malaysia and followed by China.

After a lapse of 12 years since Malaysia last seen this team, you can bet the adrenalin rush on almost any ardent Gunner Supporters when they announce the confirmation of taking on the Malaysian XI team on July 13, 2011...

Me inside the Bukit Jalil National Stadium

so the date was locked, July 13, 2011 @ Bukit Jalil Stadium (Arsenal vs Malaysia XI)

Gunners in my HEART, TIGERS are my Soul

As the date approaching, news are flying over the imminent transfer of both highly sought after prolific players - Fabregas and Nasri, but that did not deter supporters from looking forward to the team's arrival. And it was a dissapointed confirmed news when Fabregas tweeted last Saturday on his omission from the Asia Tour. A sign that his move to Barcelona is happening soon???

But as soon as the full team squad was announce, Nasri inclusion in the tour gave avid supporters the cheers needed!

Nasri smiling happily during the training session

The team arrived in Malaysia to a warm reception and nice to know the pilot whom have flown them to Malaysia is a die-hard ARSENAL supporter. (Good choice, pilot)

The arrival of the team also signalled the 10 days EPL mania, kicking off with Arsenal FC taking on the Malaysian team, followed by Liverpool FC on July 16 and Chelsea FC on July 21. I can tell you the atmosphere leading to the Bukit Jalil National Stadium has been awesome.

Arsenal FC - Full Squad taking on Malaysia XI

Everywhere Arsenal went, flocks and flocks of Gunners supporters made sure they can get to meet or at least share a glimpse of their Arsenal heroes, that includes me :)

So i missed out on the Meet the Fans session, but thankfully, a good friend of mine got me autograph of the players. Sweet!

Arsenal Players autographs

And off to Stadium for official training session on July 12 with Daphne and next day with Arsenal Supporters Club Malaysia fan club members and a colleague, Lisa Kim and BF...

Arsenal Players autograph - Aaron Ramsey & Andrey Arshavin

It was good to see droves and droves of avid Gunner Supporters coming together to support our beloved team as well as Malaysia! and summing up a perfect night, my view from the pitch was excellent and plus some really crazy supporters surrounding me, the experience was just surreal!

Hitting 4 goals past Malaysia, Lethal Gunners seems a perfect demonstration of the EPL Giant team on the Malaysian leg of the tour.

Final Score - Arsenal FC 4 - 0 Malaysia XI

An unforgettable reception from the fans - the stadium was filled with approaching 70,000 passionate supporters. Notably, it seems many wants both team to win with the sightings 'Gunners in my Heart, Tigers are my Soul'.

I especially look forward to Nasri, Walcott, Van Persie, Wilshere and Arshavin in action. And was glad to see Walcott finding himself to the net. I like to note the fact, Aaron Ramsey and new signing, Ryo Miyaichi looks real good on the front. I really hope they can make an impact when
the new EPL season comes along next month.

Jack Wilshere (No.19) in action

In the end, it was a special night that belongs to all Arsenal Supporters from near and far (especially the locals). It has been memorable!

Me spotted with some Gunner fanatics and a Chelsea fan

Goodbye for now and anticipating your next visit to Malaysia again. Safe journey to CHINA...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

For that SPECIAL SOMEONE in my life

Since half a year ago, he has had a painful time dealing with his sickness...

Sad to see him the dire strait but God must have had his plans to give him and us this challenging period, in which, all we can do is to accommodate and accept that this is a fact and reality!

It struck my mind how come he don't love himself as much as we hope he does, but doing things exactly the opposite of what docs advised him on. I wonder as i drove and stop him on his usual weekly routine. Everytime i see him down my car, this sense of gutted feeling, is this all i could do for someone so dear and this sudden urge on me made me wanted to cry yesterday.

Could this be our last celebration as a father and daughter on this special occasion, Father's Day which will be tomorrow?

As i see him steps in, all i could wish is God is there to provide him the comfort during this difficult period and hope that he is happy with what he is doing now.

Thank you and Happy Father's Day Daddy...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This is also for those who are waiting for the person they love to love them back openly, to those who are looking for love and those who know that their love is not meant to be…

Sometimes, in our relentless efforts to find the person we love, we fail to recognize and appreciate the people who love us. We miss out on so many beautiful things and simply because we allow ourselves to be enslaved by our own selfish concerns.

Go for the person of deeds and not for the one of words, for you will find rewarding happiness not with the one you love but the one whom loves you more.

The best lovers are those who are capable of loving from a distance, far enough to allow the other person to grow, but never too far to feel the love deep within your being.

To let go of someone doesn’t mean you have to stop loving, it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him to come back. Letting go is not just setting the other person free but it’s also setting yourself free from all bitterness, hatred, and anger that you keep in your heart.

Do not let the bitterness rare away your strength and weaken your faith, and never allow pain to dishearten you, but rather let you grow with wisdom bearing it. You may found peace in just loving someone from a distance not expecting anything in return. But be careful, for this can sustain life but can never give enough room for us to grow. We can all survive with just beautiful memories of the past but real peace and happiness come only with open acceptance of what reality is today.

There comes a time in our lives when we chance upon someone so nice and beautiful and we just find ourselves getting so intensely attracted to the person. This feeling soon becomes a part of our everyday lives and eventually consumes our thoughts and actions.

Others are lucky to have an actual fairy tale unfold in their lives, when they find that this is the significant other they’ve long been waiting for…

However, for some, the sad part of it is when we begin to realize that this person feels nothing more for us … We start our desperate attempt to get noticed and be closer but in the end our efforts are still unrewarded and we end up being sorry for ourselves.

You don’t have to forget someone you love. What you need to learn is how to accept the verdict of reality without being bitter or sorry for yourself

Believe me, you would be better off giving that dedication and love to someone more deserving. Don’t let your heart run your life, be sensible, and let your mind speak for itself. Listen not only to your feelings but to reason as well

Always remember that if you lose someone today, it means that someone better is coming tomorrow

If you lose love that doesn’t mean you failed in love

Cry, if you have to, but make sure that the tears wash away the hurt and bitterness that the past has left with you

Let go of yesterday and love will find its way back to you

And when it does, pray that it may be the LOVE that will stay and last a lifetime

“When I lost you, I was the one who loved you the most, but between us you lost more. For someday I can love someone the way that I loved you but you will never be loved again the way that I did.”

"如果有一天我可以, 忘记了你,确实是因为我遇见了另外一个人" 。。。

突 然 想 起 你

突 然,我 很 想 见 你。
也 不 知 道 为 什 么。

已 经 很 久 没 有 这 种 突 然 的 念 头,
所 以 就 连 我 自 己,
也 被 这 突 和 如 其 来 的 念 头 给 吓 了 一 跳。

我 始 终,不 曾 忘 记 你?
也 许,潜 意 识 紧 紧 捉 着 你 的 影 子,
不 愿 让 它 自 我 脑 海 中 离 开。

毕 竟,你 曾 是 我 最 深 爱 的 人,
而 且,是 爱 到 灵 魂 深 处。。。
可 是 爱 情 是 任 性 的. 无 论我 有 多 爱 你,
你 始 终 都 不 再 属 于 我。

半 年 前 的 我 们 分 手 了,
悲 伤 的 泪 滴 湿 了 我 的 衣 襟,
而 你,依 然 头 也 不 会 地 离 去。

最 后,我 们 的 爱 情 是 用 眼 泪 划 上 句 点,
所 以 它 也 成 了 我 最 悲 哀 的 回 忆。

爱 情,不 是 莘 福 的 吗?
为 何 甜 蜜 的 开 始 会 换 来 痛 苦 的 结 束?
是 我 做 错 了 什 么, 还 是 我 少 做 了 什 么?

也 许,是 我 太 死 心 眼,所 以 才会 那 么 放 不 开。
因 为 我 不 单 失 恋,也 失 去 了 你。。。。。

我 还 爱 你 吗? 我 想 不 是。 之 所 以 会 突 然 想 起 你,是 因 为 你 是 我 这 一 生 最 大 的 遗 憾 吧。