Wednesday, September 9, 2009


oh what a day...

what a kick start to my 09 blog - on the 9 months, 9th day and year 09...

I read with high anticipation on another blog - 090909 is also classified as the World Day of INTERCONNECTEDNESS. Interconnectedness what? let me see : it is further explain as a deep sense of interconnectedness or oneness, is at the core of decisions and actions that are life affirming and good for the whole.

and all my mind was a picture of how many couples realising their marriage vows and those cute little babies born on this significant day...

some 090909 to do goodies :-

a) Join the Worldwide moment of peace on 090909 @ 9.00am

b) Create an appreciation (I already did)

c) Smile to everyone, even to those you do not like

d) Let people experience your talents

e) Practice encompassing love and forgiveness

May yours be a long happy one. Cheers to everlasting 090909...

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