Tuesday, January 1, 2008

3 Days to 29

Time passes by so fast – 1st post of the year and here I am counting days to my big day, arghh what – turning 29 la what else!

Getting old, getting old man…

Scary thought, Adelyn reminded me – I’ve four days to go on my countdown to new year party and Kai Ma reminded me again today – 3 days to 29, that’s why I thought I better blog this before I say bye bye to 28.

What do I wish for? Got my first pressie from my Kai Ma, went for a bag huntdown at the Curve on Sunday. It was a nice outing – haven’t been doing that for a long time. Got myself a nice nice turquoise bag (thanksie, muaks muaks kai ma!)

What do I wish for, hmm hmmm hmmmm? Keep on reading, ill let you know when the day comes

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