Saturday, November 3, 2007

Move aside, MOANERS...

Woo hoo, sweat man! Last minute drama at Emirates…

I was like- gonna off my phone man or else the amount of sms or response ill get from these MU kaki’s – you bet, appaling

2-2 draw, it was 2-1 at 82 mins when that basket RONALDO scored, I was like darn it – of all players and of all team, the worst is to lose to this bunch of basket POSERS.

After last week draw at Anfield which also came to a stalemate of 1-1, I was expecting nothing short since we made a clean double over them last season, home and away.

And it was Fabregas again, just tremendous! It was the last minute drama that sums it up-Gallas 90th minute goal, that kept them these MOANERS mouth shut.

End result, a pleasant & peaceful sleep. Way to go…

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