Thursday, September 13, 2007

And I Got "IT" Pierced

Finally, I gathered all the courage to actually have the HOLES on my ears

After 28 years of being a human, only did I finally decided to actually have it pierce despite all the persuasion and effort peoples have previously tempt me on

Like a 3 year old small kid waiting for my turn and anticipating the PAIN that it’ll do to me, imagine similar situation of INJECTION dose we need to do in primary school and no kidding, I really closed my eyes eventho my pal was there to constantly ensure that it’ll do me NO PAIN and man, we will have so much fun buying earrings. Oh man, faster…

At that spur of moment, I was only thinking quick do it or I’ll definitely walk out man!


Now I’m feeling weird as I was the one who’s labeled them as ALIEN and how i’m learning to make these things feel welcome, now you tell me!

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