Monday, August 27, 2007

Past Struggles, Future Gains - INDEPENDENCE DAY

Since when was I so patriotic? Can’t remember much thou but can I say I’m one of those proud ones cheering on for MALAYSIA whenever they’re up against countries esp. sporting matches (nah, I ain’t talking bout’ Msian football at all,:p)

I could still remember how I screamed my lungs out for MALAYSIA during the 92’ Thomas Cup victory over Indonesia as we emerged as Champions after Cheah Soon Kit/Soo Beng Kiang clinched the match. Dint the whole nation celebrate under the name MALAYSIA? I guess we all did and damn proud of it…

While studying in Australia, I did not let the opportunity to slip out too – its OLYMPIC, mind you! Malaysia was virtually nothing in all those competitions except for few worthy ones which we were strong in – so I chose the ultimatum, HOCKEY and found myself cheerin’ like a mad woman for Malaysia (though I’m not really sure how the points was calculated)

So what’s this hype about me writing about independence & me? 50 years down the road, Malaysia is 50 years old, phew how time passes. Celebrations and activities in country were enormous everywhere you go in Malaysia nowadays...

Recent one I attended was the Malaysian Fireworks event at Putrajaya – Simply extraordinary. Fireworks competition??? 1st time I’ve ever heard off and as usual, people arrives in flocks and jam is something not unusual and with an upcoming Floral parade running consecutively, ill bet many will struggle to juggle their time allocation (why all of sudden, there’s so much activities & so less time?)

And in counting down days to the 50th Independence Day on 31st August, I’ve been reading so much bout’ the country’s past history and its struggles. Of course, I was also cracking my head to join in the PETRONAS MERDEKA CAR CRAZE contest, whereby the Slogan goes “As a Malaysian, I have learned that….”

All those forms and receipts were waiting for me to fill, but a simple slogan seems so easy but hard to comprehend. I was like “As a Malaysian, I have learned that that we share the same passion for FOOD?, arghh I was like, no way I’m going to win a car with that creepy slogan. At that point of time, I was only thinking about ROTI CANAI & TEH TARIK, :p

I tried, tried to churn out some I thought were not that bad and below are some cracky ones :-

“As a Malaysian, I have learned that….”

a) We have stayed true to our ORIGINS
b) Multi-Culturalism that we practice was second to none
c) A truly diversed nation of amazing peoples
d) Yesteryears struggles was history beyond words
e) Independence has rewards us with PEACE, FREEDOM & ENJOYMENT
f) Past Struggles has unites us of all different races and cultures under a COMMON FLAG
g) We have the capacity to live together in diversity and difference
h) The country has served us well, thank you - Malaysia

Whaddaya think of the above? However this is the one I love best - “As a Malaysian, I have learned that INDEPENDENCE WAS NEVER OURS TO FIGHT BUT OURS TO RESPECT”
Wouldn't you agree more?

50 years has passed, it’ll soon be another dawning chapter whereby we could all make a DIFFERENCE if we all made an effort!

Happy 50th Birthday, MALAYSIA

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